So over the last 16 years I have really struggled with my faith. It wasn't until 2 1/2 years ago, that I finally came to God and accepted Jesus into my life completely. I had hit the darkest place in my life and he picked me up and carried me until I could walk again. Once I discovered the Lord and began to build my relationship with Him, I was relieved that I no longer had to do life on my own. I then wanted, desperately, to share this with my family, especially my husband. He was not the most receptive to my new found faith. He didn't understand my life changes, but he did acknowledge my new sense of peace that I exuded daily. I was no longer anxious, for I knew God had a plan and He would provide. I prayed daily, continuously, for the Lord to soften my husband's heart. And guess what? He is always faithful. He always listens. He always responds. It may not have been as quickly as I wanted, for it was is His perfect timing, but my prayers have been answered. My husband has come to find God as well. And I now look back on the journey we took to get to the place that we are and realize that His timing was perfect. At this time our home is faith based. We are raising our boys to know the Lord and have a relationship with Him. We are attending church as a family and I feel blessed to be where we are right now. We may not have all of the materials things we would like, but i know we are some of the richest people to be sharing in God's kingdom!
Amen, sister! AMEN!!